Monday, April 18, 2011

Multi-tasking, Driving, and Your Brain

What happens inside your brain when you're trying to multi-task and drive at the same time? Listen to what John Medina, author of Brain Rules has to say:

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Text Messaging and Driving

Several research studies have found the extraordinary danger of text messaging while driving. Here are some links to further explore and understand the effects of text messaging when driving:

Try a simulation game which illustrates the impact of being distracted when driving at the New York Times

Go to the Oprah page dedicated to the dangers of driving distracted. Pay particular attention to “Putting Distracted Drivers to the Test” and “Distracted Driving: What You Don’t See”

Take the two quizzes about how your brain really works when you’re trying to use a cell phone while driving: “Your Brain on Texting Quiz” and “Teen Texting and Driving Quiz.”

Friday, April 1, 2011

Josh Waitzkin on Excellence and Learning

Part 1

Part 2

Josh Waitzkin talks about what a pursuit of excellence means to him. How does he describe it? Do you agree?